How to solve the high MOQ problem of spout bag manufacturers?

As I mentioned in my pre-article, selected the high MOQ spout bag manufacturers,in other word, it is a kind of guarantee of spout pouch quality.However,you may said that,we are the newstarted company,or spout pouch packaging is our new project, if we make the batch purchase of this kind of packaging before the market feedback is ambiguous, it is really unwise. As the spout bag manufacturer,is there any method to solve the high MOQ problem?
To solve this problem, it need to adopt by the"combining" method under a certain of condition.
1-The artwork design of spout pouch need to be double quantities.
For example:2,4,6,8......while you own more than two artwork designs,we can combine any two artwork designs together,achieving the "combining"print and lamination,in the slitting process,we will split these"combining"rollstock into two,so that the MOQ is also splitted into two.
2-Accepting any two artwork designs combining is the same at the finished quantity.
This is disadvantage of "combining" method, if you required the different designs made out the different finished quantities, it is un-workable.
Frankly speaking, while you are selecting the spout bags manufacturer, meanwhile, they are also selecting the customers who are suitable for their own. Sure, "combining" method is not the best solution, but at least, it is the intersection between "good quality"and"low MOQ".
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Company name: Shantou Fenbo Packaging Co.,Ltd
Whatsapp/Wechat/phonecell: +86-13556326469



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